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2. Vikriya (Bodily Transformation) Riddhi

The Miraculous Power by which one can perform various bodily transformations is known as Vikriya Riddhi.

There are a total 11 types of Vikriya Riddhis that are possessed by Jain Saints (Riddhi-dhaari muni) as below:

1. Anima
2. Mahima
3. Laghima
4. Garima
5. Prapti
6. Prakamya
7. Ishatva
8. Vashitva
9. Apratighaat
10. Antardhaan
11. Kaamroop

From Paramarshi Swasti Mangal Vidhaan

अणिम्नि दक्षाः कुशलाः महिम्नि,लघिम्नि शक्ताः कृतिनो गरिम्णि
मनो-वपुर्वाग्बलिनश्च नित्यं, स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥६॥

अणिमा, महिमा, लघिमा और गरिमा ऋद्धि में कुशल तथा मन, वचन, काय बल ऋद्धि के धारक मुनिराज हमारा कल्याण करें ।

सकामरुपित्व-वशित्वमैश्यं, प्राकाम्यमन्तर्द्धिमथाप्तिमाप्ताः
तथाऽप्रतीघातगुणप्रधानाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥७॥

कामरुपित्व, वशित्व, ईशित्व, प्राकम्य, अन्तर्धान, आप्ति तथा अप्रतिघात विक्रिया ऋद्धि से सम्पन्न मुनिराज हमारा कुशल करें ।

  1. Anima Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints who possess this Riddhi can make their body as small as equal to the size of an atom; and can travel through that infinitesimal hole of atomic diameter! Not just this, they can also create the whole army of the Chakravarti King in this small area!

  1. Mahima Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints who possess this Riddhi can transform their body height to become equal to that of Meru Parvat (mountain)!


The height of Meru Parvat (mountain), that is situated at the very center of the Middle world is 1 Lakh Yojan (64,00,00,000 kms)!

  1. Laghima Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints possessing this Riddhi can transform their body weight to become even lighter than air!

  1. Garima Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can transform their body weight to become even heavier and denser than Vajra like dense metals!

  1. Prapti Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can touch Sun, Moon, Stars, Mountain peaks, other objects etc. with their fingertips without even moving from their place!

  1. Prakamya Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can dive in and out (immerse and submerse) on the land like how normal humans does in water! Also, with the power, the Saints can transform their body to flow through the land like that of water!

  1. Ishitva Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can develop the ability to rule and control over the humans, animals, etc. living beings, cities, villages, outskirts etc. as per their will.

  1. Vashitva Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can transform their body to different shapes to look like Humans, Elephants, Lion, Horses etc. beings as per their will!

  1. Apratighaat Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can pass through mountains, trees, walls, etc. objects; in other words - they do not get obstructed from any obstacles and can travel through them!

  1. Antardhaan Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can transform their body to become invisible!

  1. Kaamroop Riddhi

It is the special power by which the great Jain Saints can create many self-replicas (clones) of themselves as per their will!

Aren't these powers amazing?

We all have heard about these Riddhis in some or the other form as supernatural powers in Superhero or Sci-fi movies (Like Antman making body small or Invisibility Cloak in Harry Potter or Ghosts traveling through the walls!) Knowing such great Riddhis being possessed by the saints; does the superhero powers excite you anymore? No, right?

Yes, agreed! These powers are amazing. But does these powers matter anything to the great Jain Saints who possess these?

Not actually! How can one who has experienced the happiness and bliss on the inside can ever be surprised by some external powers on the outside? In fact, the external powers like these are also attained by taking the refuge of the inside!

But what makes these Riddhis special is that they are the fruit of the soul's great austerity. Only the saints penancing in the forest, on leaving all the materialistic belongings and aspirations aside; just taking shelter of their own soul with the aim to attain true bliss and salvation are able to develop such Riddhis.

Not just that, the Saints who possess this Riddhi, many times don't even know that these external powers exist within them! Why? Because, they are so involved into the Dhyaan, Tap, etc., that they seldom spare any time to focus on external powers like these. It clearly reflects that this greatness makes them deserving of these special powers; and that is why no human with worldly attachments and materialistic belongings will ever be able to possess these powers!